Knowledge Center

Cleaning & Care

The basic requirement of brewing is to have everything clean. Always inspect Brewie+ and all assorted beer brewing equipment for cleanliness before using it (hoses, false bottom etc.).

Cleaning is the least pleasant and the most essential part of brewing, but Brewie+ eases the task by washing itself. However, cleaning and sanitizing fermentation vessels and other tools is a task that remains in your hands. Pay attention to cleaning; an improperly cleaned fermentation bucket containing different bacterial species from a previous brew can easily infect the brew and change its taste, or even spoil it.

Special attention must be paid to spaces where yeast can easily settle but are hard to reach and clean, such as corners, pipes, stirrers, and taps. Each item used during fermentation should be soaked in a Chemipro Oxi solution for several minutes. The aforementioned cleaning agent does not need to be rinsed off, as it forms a thin layer on surfaces, keeping microorganisms away.



  • CHEMIPRO (Sanitizer)
    Description: Chemipro Oxi guarantees hygienic cleaning after the brewing process is finished. Sanitize the bucket and everything that will interface with the wort. ChemiPro does not substitute detergent, it only serves for disinfection.
    Use it for: fermentation tank, party keg, bottles,
  • TABLETS (Detergent)
    Where to place: 1st and 2nd hop tanks
    When: while using a full clean program
    Usage: Before starting a full clean program, put 1-1 tablets in each of the 1st and 2nd hop tanks, and close the lid. Follow the instruction on your Brewie+’s screen.
    Use it to clean your Brewie+, its accessories and the fermenting equipment, to wipe away bigger stains.
  • BRUSH (part of the Starter Kit)
    Use it only to clean the hop tanks and hop cages. Do not use the brush to clean your Brewie+, the fermentation tank or any fermentation equipment, since it might damage their surface, causing bacteria to settle in microfissures, and spoil the wort.
  • PROTECTIVE GLOVES (recommended)
    The skin’s direct contact with reagents might cause injuries, so wearing rubber gloves while cleaning is highly recommended!
  • HIGH PRESSURE CLEANERS (recommended)
    Universal cleaning device. It is the most efficient way to disinfect the equipments.
    Use it for: Fast, efficient and gentle cleaning of the inside of your Brewie+. Disinfecting barrels, kegs (while cooling outside with water – but preventing it from flowing inside)
  • PBW – Powdered Brewery Wash
    Description: Environmentally friendly alkali cleaner. Safe for use on metals, rubber gaskets, tubing, plastic parts, and your skin.
    Usage: How to keep Brewie+ clean with BPW If you have chosen ‘Full clean’ or ‘Sanitising clean’, add 6 tsp PBW evenly to the hop tanks. The ‘Full clean’ program starts with a ‘Short clean’ to rinse out all contamination left behind from brewing. Only add PBW when the ‘Short clean’ has finished. (This stands for all types of detergents.)
    Cleaning the fermenting vessel: Fill the vessel up with water and dissolve 1 tsp PBW/liter. Leave it for half a day and drain it. Rinse with hot water.

CAUTION: DO NOT USE StarSan to clean your Brewie, as this chemical may damage the silicone tubes inside the device.



Cleaning your Brewie+ after every brew is important, so Brewie+ has built-in cleaning programs to aid you.

Use a non-abrasive cloth or sponge to clean Brewie+. For cleaning, follow the instructions on the screen. Except for the touchscreen, non-agressive surfactants can be used if necessary. Check detergent manufacturer label for information on applicable surfaces. Brewie+’s outside surfaces are made of stainless steel and plastic.

Before launching the cleaning program, make sure Brewie+ is connected to the water system and take everything out of the machine (brewing bag, false bottom, hop cages). The items may be hot when removing from the machine. Handle with care!

Caution! During the cleaning process excessive amount of waste water is drained through the wort/ cleaning water outlet. We advise you to place the outlet tube into a sink or attach it to the household wastewater system.

Caution! In case you need to attach a longer drain hose to the wort outlet (because the sink cannot be reached otherwise), keep in mind, that longer hose means increased resistance for the pumps, which causes decreased flow rate, that may lead to overflows. To avoid overflows, feel free to regulate the incoming water flow by closing the tap.

Caution! Automatic cleaning is only possible if Brewie+’s water inlet is connected to the household water system and the tap is open.

Caution! Hot! Risk of spoiling the brew! After choosing automatic water addition, do not disturb Brewie+ while water is being circulated in the machine. Disturbances can cause the weight sensor to report false data.

Caution! Never add water to the mashing tank!

    Manual or automatic cleaning options can be chosen.

  • when: after every brew
    target: to remove contaminants
    how: wipe out with a non-abrasive cloth or sponge (no chemicals, no hot water)
    duration: 6 minutes, excluding draining

Before you start, please check the followings then follow the instructions on the screen:
· No ingredients in tanks and containers
· No hop cages in containers
· No false bottom in mashing tank
· Hoses are connected
· 8 liters of water in the boiling tank (in case of manual water inlet) IF needed, repeat the process.

    Manual or automatic cleaning options can be chosen. Caution! Hot liquid!
    when: if you want to sanitize the machine (run a short clean first)
    target: disinfecting
    how: hot water, be careful!
    duration: 90 minutes, excluding draining

Before you start, please check the followings then follow the instructions on the screen:
· No ingredients in tanks and containers
· No hop cages in containers
· No false bottom in mashing tank
· Hoses are connected
· 8 liters of water in the boiling tank (in the case of manual water inlet)

    Caution! Hot liquid!
    when: after every 5th brewing or if you haven’t used the machine recently
    target: cleaning the machine and the tubes
    how: chemical tablets + hot water + wiping
    duration: 2 hours, excluding draining

Before you start, please check the followings then follow the instructions on the screen:
· No ingredients in tanks and containers
· No hop cages in containers
· No false bottom in mashing tank
· Hoses are connected


The basic requirement of brewing is to have everything clean. Always inspect Brewie+ and all additional beer brewing equipment for cleanliness before using it (hoses, false bottom etc.). If inspection skipped, the wort might get infected. Certain parts of your Brewie+ need manual cleaning. The hop cages and the false bottom in the mashing tank must be taken out and washed with standard hand-use dishwashing liquid and a non-abrasive sponge or in a dishwasher.

Hop Cages
Hop cages should be removed after each brew and washed in a dishwasher or by hand. Use standard hand-use dishwashing liquid and/or wash in dishwasher at 70 degrees.
Clean the hop cages with brush, to get rid of the contamination jammed in the cage. Separate disinfection is not needed.

False bottom
The false bottom should be removed after each brew and washed in a dishwasher or by hand.

Boil them in a kettle for 3 minutes.

Standard Brewie Bag
Thoroughly cleaning the bag after each use is critical to ensure the high quality and hygiene of both Brewie+ and the brew. Mashing bags can be cleaned both manually or by washing machines. Do not leave any malt in the bag and rinse it thoroughly!

Fermentation Tank
Disinfect after every use.

  1. Take it off the fermentation tank.
  2. Open the tap and place the screw carefully in it, then boil them for 3 minutes.

Disinfect after every use. Boil it for 3 minutes

Caution! The airlock can soften by heat. Take care to place it in the water to avoid deformation!

Fermentation bucket+lid:

  1. Wipe the sides with a sponge to get rid of bigger stains. Use only non-abrasive sponges for cleaning! Any coarse material might damage the surface, causing bacteria to settle in microfissures and spoil the wort.
  2. After disinfecting the tap, place it back and tighten the nut.
  3. Pour 1 l of 100 C° water inside, but keep the tap closed!
  4. Put 2 teaspoons of ChemiPro/PBW or 1,5 ml StarSan inside.
  5. Carefully dissolve the disinfectant with circular motions.
  6. Close the lid and shake the bucket, so the liquid can reach every part.
  7. Caution! Hot! Risk of spilling hot water! Do not shake it too much, since the top can drop off!
  8. Pour all the water out.

Important: If you are using Iodophor for sanitizing your equipment, use about 0,75 ml per liters and use it only in cold water!

Now it is ready-to-use!

Useable for secondary fermentation. 
Use only clean bottles, or clean a bottle in the following way:

  1. Dissolve 2 teaspoons of ChemiPro/PBW or 1,5 ml StarSan in 1 l of hot water.
  2. Rinse the bottle with ChemiPro water.
  3. If the ChemiPro you pour out from the bottle is dirty, do not use that for further cleaning. Make new solutions.
  4. Put on rubber gloves and use hot water and a brush to clean all contaminants from the bottle.
  5. Hold the bottle against light and look into it. If there is still contamination inside, repeat the process.

Important: If you are using Iodophor for sanitizing your equipment, use about 0,75 ml per liters and use it only in cold water!

Useable for secondary fermentation.

  1. Dissolve 2 teaspoons of ChemiPro/PBW or 1,5 ml StarSan in 1 l of hot water
  2. Pour it into the keg, then shake it. Caution! Do not open the tap!
  3. Pour it out of the keg.

Important: If you are using Iodophor for sanitizing your equipment, use about 0,75 ml per liters and use it only in cold water!

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